OpenRad Germany GmbH and Openrad Services S.A.R.L. are dormant entities that are going to be liquidated. Openrad Services UK Limited does not distribute anything.
- Biotronics3D’s product 3Dnet is now marketed and sold under the name of B3D Cloud.
- Visbion’s product Medical PACS (xPACS) is now marketed and sold under the name B3D Cube.
Please note for the US: OpenRad Cloud is not FDA-cleared yet, but in the process of acquiring a clearance.
For compliance information of both manufacturers, please check the below certificates.
Compliance Information of Biotronics 3D Limited.
(c) Biotronics 3D Limited 2004-2024 | All rights reserved
This product is licensed under the terms of the End User Agreement.

Class IIa Medical Device

EU Authorised Representative
Skyer Medical Imaging S.R.L.
Str. Fabrica de Caramida nr 1A, Lot C, Parcela 36, Sector 1
Bucuresti, Romania

MHRA company registration nr: 0000017323
MHRA Catalogue/Reference (REF): Z110603
UDI Issuing Entity: GS1 AISBL
Basic UDI-DI Number: 506075752MEDICALIMAGINGLF
UDI Device Identifier (UDI-DI): 05060757520003

Compliance Information of Visbion Ltd.
Compliance Information of Visbion Ltd.
- ISO 9001 Certificate
- NHS Data Security & Protection Certificate
- Cyber Essentials Certificate